The World’s Best Superfood and Multivitamin
Author: admin
Nature’s Most Powerful Superfood — SPIRULINA
Are you interested in:
- losing weight
- soothing achy joints and muscles
- boosting energy
- healing your pets
- sleeping like a baby
- supercharging immunity
- reducing inflammation and depression
- experiencing mental clarity and focus
- curbing carb and junk-food cravings
- healing your body from head to toe, inside out?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you’ll enjoy this information on two my favorite whole-food supplements that I take daily. I’ll discuss Spirulina in this Blog and my favorite antioxidant — Astaxanthin — in the next one. You can read more about Spirulina on my website
For over 35 years, as a holistic health educator, author, motivational speaker, and consultant, I have been researching foods and supplements and their effects on the body and health. There are a few foods that clearly deserve the title of “Superfood” because they are chock-full of vitamins, minerals, protein, phytonutrients, enzymes, fiber, antioxidants, and much more. And there’s one food that I put at the very top of the list as the most nutrient-dense food on our planet — and it’s called Spirulina.
A superfood extraordinaire, Spirulina has been scientifically studied for decades and is an amazing food that would benefit your entire family, including your pets. I have been taking Spirulina for over 35 years and know that it’s one of the reasons I am vibrantly healthy, have never taken any prescription medications, and haven’t had a cold or the flu in over 25 years. As a teenager, I learned about it from my grandmother, Fritzie, and I have taken it almost daily ever since.
Below you’ll find out how to get a 25% discount through May 31st on this powerful multivitamin for the entire family…and pets, too.
This nutrient-rich naturefood detoxifies and rejuvenates the body from the inside out, head to toe, no matter ones age. Specifically, it helps regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol; alleviates pain from inflammation and delivers antioxidant activity to ward off life threatening diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s heart disease and stroke; protects the liver and kidneys and removes radiation from the body; improves the immune system, alleviates allergies, and defends again many different viruses; helps your eyes and brain; supports weight loss; increases friendly flora in the intestines and improves digestion, and so much more. It’s an ideal nutritional supplement for all lifestyles with a history of scientific experiments and clinical trials and is easy to take in a tablet or powder form. I bet I have your full attention now.
(Receive free copies of my two new e-books, Nature’s Superb Superfoods and The Curative Kitchen. This offer expires June 30th. You can also get my popular holistic health seminar series entitled Renew Your Life at a 70% discount through June 30th. My website is teaming with information on living a healthy, vibrant, and balanced life.)
A Treasure-Trove of Nutrients
At this point, you may be wondering about the nutritional benefits of Spirulina and why I recommend it as the ideal food for you and your entire family. First of all, it’s rich in protein — and a highly digestible protein to boot. Sixty percent protein, it contains every essential amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein.
Results from independent third party lab tests confirm the following:
- Hawaiian Spirulina has 180% more calcium than whole milk (Calcium supports bones, teeth, muscles, hormones, nerve function, PMS, and high blood pressure)
- Hawaiian Spirulina has 5100% more iron than spinach (Iron supports energy and blood health)
- Hawaiian Spirulina has 3100% more beta-carotene than carrots (Beta carotene support eyes, immune function, antioxidant activity)
- Hawaiian Spirulina has 670% more protein than tofu (Protein supports muscle tissue)
- Three grams of Spirulina have more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity than five servings of fruits and vegetables
- Comparing phytonutrient levels, Spirulina is 31 times more potent than blueberries, 60 times more potent than spinach, and 700 more times more potent than apples.
Are You Interested In Losing Weight?
WEIGHT LOSS: It’s my favorite whole food supplement to recommend for anyone wanting to lose weight and say good-bye to unhealthy eating habits, too. In my 90-day clinical study with over 100 men and women, we discovered that Hawaiian Spirulina (when taken daily) helps curb the appetite, eliminates carb and junk food cravings, precludes overeating, and supports weight loss to the tune of between 1 – 3 pounds weekly when taking two teaspoons of the powder daily (morning and afternoon) or the equivalency in tablets. Each participant also added in a 30-minute walk daily.
Learn more about Spirulina with health tips, and recipes.
I have been recommending Spirulina in my private practice since the early 80s. The only one that I use personally and recommend these days is Pure Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica because of its superior quality. It is, by far, the best Spirulina available in the world and the one that I would not be without.
How to Purchase Hawaiian Spirulina
I usually purchase the Hawaiian Spirulina Pacifica at my local Whole Foods Market. Knowing that I was going to write this Blog for the Shannon Miller Lifestyle website, I contacted the company who creates this best Spirulina in the world and asked them if they would give a discount to all of the readers of this website, and they agreed to give us 25% off through May 31st. So I am purchasing enough to last me one year. To receive this terrific discount, we must all use the code: GREENHEALTH.
Two Ways to Order Spirulina and Get a 25% Discount
You can go online to their website by or you can call them directly at: 800-453-1187 (US & Canada) or 808-329-4677 (Intl). Remember to use the code GREENHEALTH so you can get 25% off through May 31st. I encourage you to start with a three-month supply. This is what I suggest to everyone in my private practice. You’ll see a world of difference in how you look and feel and a drop in your weight, if you need to lose any pounds, after this short amount of time. Be sure to visit my website for more Spirulina and Astaxanthin (world’s most powerful antioxidant) information.
To learn more about my new 3-book set — Walking on Air: Your 30-Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover (foreword by Alexandra Stoddard), The Joy Factor: 10 Sacred Practices for Radiant Health (foreword by Wayne Dyer) and my full color, natural-food cookbook with over 150 photographs Recipes for Health Bliss, (forewords by Neal Barnard, MD and Victoria Moran), please visit: