Time Management For The Busy Woman
Author: Shannon Miller
During my career I learned to balance my time between school, travel and training.
It was fairly easy to follow a schedule because it rarely changed. As an adult there are so many more responsibilities on a daily basis. Obstacles seem to be thrown at us from every direction and as soon as we conquer one, three more are sent our way. Teresa Trower, a life coach and guest on the Shannon Miller Lifestyle Radio show, has some great advice on how we can better manage our time and create a little less stress in our lives.
Let’s face it. What woman today isn’t a busy woman?
Whether you’re a working mom, a stay at home mom, or a working professional, you probably feel like you don’t have an extra moment to spare. The minutes, hours, and days have a way of clicking by before you’ve had a chance to finish that project, organize that drawer, write that letter, or a myriad of other activities that loom before you.
This is where time management skills can be critical tools to increase your energy, your productivity, and your sanity.
Rule #1: Create a daily routine and stick to it.
- Children need routines because routines make their worlds more predictable and safe.
- However, adults need routines to give them the structure to better manage their time.
To get more bang from your time management buck, make a prioritized list of the things you want to accomplish in a day. Then, monitor your progress. Are you adding more things to the list than even Wonder Woman could accomplish in a day?
Don’t overbook. Be realistic and practical. The aim is to make yourself accountable for the tasks that you want to complete. Then, at day’s end, you can celebrate your accomplishments rather than wonder where the day went.
Rule #2: Schedule your down-time.
Place yourself high on your list of priorities. The airlines don’t advise you to place the oxygen mask on yourself before you put it on your child for nothing. If you’re a strung out, stressed out mess, how can you give your child anything but the leftovers?
When you feel your stress level rising, take a deep belly breath and have a moment of gratitude for the good things in your life. Better still, schedule your down time so that you start the day with serenity and purpose. Be stress resilient rather than stressed out.
TIP: By following these simple rules, you can increase your productivity, better manage your time, and, most importantly, keep your sanity.
Courtesy of Teresa Trower M.A. LMHC www.stressbustercoach.com
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