How BabyPlus Helps Your Baby: Qualities Observed in Rocco
Author: Shannon Miller

If you’re expecting, you’re likely inundated with a million different choices for you and your baby.
It can be all consuming. In addition to the doctor’s visits, nursery decorating and gear purchasing there is something else you may want to consider early on. It’s called prenatal education and it’s growing in popularity.
According to BabyPlus, you are never to YOUNG to learn! “BabyPlus is based on more than 25 years of scientific research. (Their) prenatal curriculum introduces your developing baby to learning in the only true language of the prenatal environment, the language of the maternal heartbeat. The spoken word is too difficult for the developing child to understand and music is too complex. However, scientifically conducted studies show that the prenatal child recognizes the maternal heartbeat and can learn to differentiate progressively more rhythmic patterns of that sound.”
My husband and I used BabyPlus for our son Rocco, who is now 3 ½ years old after researching it. There just wasn’t any downside. We have been blessed with a child who, as an infant, nursed easily and was a great sleeper (every mother’s dream)! He has met each of his milestones and is extremely verbal. As new parents, it’s nice to receive feedback from friends, teachers and others on how aware, social, creative and verbal he is. As parents we want to give our children every advantage in life that we can.
After seeing Rocco progress for the last 3 ½ years there was no doubt we would use BabyPlus again for our daughter. We’re now on lesson #12!!
Dare to Dream,
About the BabyPlus prenatal system:
The BabyPlus curriculum is a series of 16 naturally derived sounds that resemble a mother’s heartbeat. The rhythm of the sounds increases incrementally as the pregnancy progresses. The BabyPlus sonic pattern introduces your child to a sequential learning process, built upon the natural rhythms of their own environment.
This “auditory exercise” strengthens learning ability during the developmental period when the advantages will be most significant and enduring for a child. BabyPlus is the first educational tool designed for prenatal use that has been proven effective. BabyPlus children have an intellectual, developmental, creative, and emotional advantage from the time they are born.
The BabyPlus lessons are designed to be played for one hour, twice a day. For optimal benefits, start using BabyPlus anytime between 18-32 weeks of pregnancy.
Since 1989, parents in more than 60 countries worldwide have given their children the BabyPlus advantage.
Your baby can very clearly hear these patterns. She/he learns to discriminate between the sound coming from the mother and those from BabyPlus. In other words, learning has begun.