Competing With Cancer
Bouncing Back from Chemotherapy
I chose this video for today. I thought it would be a good positive thought while I head into my final cycle. I’m ready to get to the “after” chemo part[…..]
Chemo Treatment 101
Because there are so many different chemo regimens it’s difficult to know whether you’ll be able to keep working or if you need to take a complete break. Of course[…..]
My limbs weigh 1000 lbs!
Today has been one of those roller coaster days. It’s been a full day between Rocco and preparing for our April 30th event and this evening I really hit a[…..]
Hydration… SO important!
I’ve been talking about hydration in several of my posts; especially early on. I knew going into chemotherapy that staying hydrated was of utmost importance. I also knew it would[…..]
What is a Portacath?
Prior to starting chemotherapy you are hit with a lot of information. You’ve likely just been diagnosed with Cancer and depending on what stage and type, you may have already[…..]