Competing With Cancer
Shannon Miller emcees Victory in Pink for Women who have Fought Breast Cancer
Join Shannon Miller and St. Vincent’s Healthcare for 2012 Victory In Pink, a Celebration of Women who have Fought Breast Cancer.
Family Health and Fitness Day!
Join Shannon Miller Lifestyle and celebrate National Family Health and Fitness Day with your family. Here are some ideas for fun activities.
Survivor Stories: Ovarian Cancer
See and read inspirational Video and personal stories about women who have survived ovarian cancer.
Childhood Cancer | A Survivor Story
It’s National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and this is probably the biggest nightmare a parent can imagine: a cancer diagnosis for a child. The pain, the treatments, the drugs, the doctors, the hospitals, the days and nights of pain and tears, and the possibility that a child might not survive…Here’s a story of survival.
Shannon Miller Lifestyle and In the Pink: Yoga During Cancer Treatment
Shannon interviews Jeri Millard at In The Pink about the benefits of yoga during a cancer diagnosis and treatment.