Health & Nutrition
A Healthy Balance
The best plan is to find out the weight you should be at for your height (and age) and then maintain that designated weight the best you can.
Matters of the Heart
Heart disease is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States. Are you concerned about a loved one’s health, specifically their heart health?
Ginger for Osteoarthritis and Back Pain
While ginger is probably best known for adding flavor to foods, it can also relieve pain. Now there are corroborating studies.
Keep Salmonella out of Your Kitchen!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention receives 40,000 reports of salmonella in the U.S. on an annual basis.
The good news is there are some easy ways to prevent having to deal with this salmonella business…
Healthy Weight & Issues of Calories and BMI
When it comes to weight, issues surrounding the topic of calories are bound to come up and some people might get real flashy and start talking about something known as Body Mass Index, or BMI. Find out why this number is still important.