Spinning: Worth The Hype?

Author: Shannon Miller

In the past several years, spinning has become quite popular; it’s moved from fitness fad to fitness staple.

Women and men alike have caught the spinning bug! Why has spinning has become (and stayed) all the rage?

Check out the incredible benefits of spinning:

  • You can handle the pressure! Spinning allows you to get a great cardio workout without putting pressure on your knees, hips, or feet.  So, for those of you who can’t walk or run regularly because of the pressure it puts on certain areas, spinning might be just the answer for you!*
  • To each his own. In a spinning class, you can workout with others, yet go at your own pace. Working out amongst others may motivate you to stay focused and push yourself to do your best.*  
  • Spin those calories away! Many people are drawn to spinning because it can be such a great calorie burner; it’s possible to burn as many as 500 calories in a 30 minute session!  As with many workouts, it is important to remember that how many calories are burned during a spinning session depends on how much effort is expended.*
TIP:  If this sound appealing, try a spinning class at your local gym!

* “Benefits of Spinning”,  Health and Nutrition Tips,  26 Dec 2010.

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