Total Body Resistance Exercise aka TRX!

Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle


By Ripley McKeon, Guest SML Writer

There is something about group fitness classes that always gets me so excited!
Well, at least once I’m there. Sometimes trying a class you’ve never heard of, or maybe just never tried before can be a little intimidating. Well at SML, we’re here to encourage you to step outside your comfort zone – so I did. Last Tuesday, Lauren in the marketing department and I went to a new TRX class. I had never heard of TRX before she mentioned it, so of course I was nervous, but having a friend join you is a great way to conquer those nerves!

So what is TRX?

TRX is a class geared towards improving strength, balance, coordination, flexibility, and core stability by using TRX Suspension Straps and your own body weight. It does not just work out your abdominals; it is a full body workout! Seriously, Lauren was shaking during the arm presses. The best part about the class is that you have the ability to choose the level of intensity by moving closer or further away from your anchoring point. So big, buff guys and tiny, petite ladies can all benefit at the same time!

You can do it!

The instructor guides you through all of the exercises, reminding you of safety tips all along the way. That’s the real benefit to doing classes with a trained professional. He or she will help you when you’re struggling and boost your confidence when you’re doing well. It was a great workout, and we will definitely be returning! Grab your shoes and a friend if you’re nervous and try your own TRX class!

For more information on TRX and locations, visit the TRX Training website!

SML TIP:  Be sure to consult with your doctor if you may have doubts on whether or not this class is for you.

Get ready to stand up straighter, be stronger, and have more muscle mass which is good at eating fat!

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