High Heels Everyday…Only With Foot Solutions’ Tips!
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Owner Foot Solutions of Jacksonville Beach and Foot Solutions of Orange Park, Florida
High heeled shoes provide us with a real dichotomy.
Social and professional appearance norms include standards requiring us to dress within an acceptable fashion range. At the same time, the fashion apparel may not be the most comfortable or long-term best for our bodies. Such is the case for high heeled shoes. As we all know prolonged use can lead to discomfort.
Here are a list of tips we can use to optimize comfort and reduce uncomfortable high heel shoes issues:
- Optimize Stability. If possible keep heel no more than three inches higher than the ball of the foot. The surface at the bottom of the shoe heel should be at least one inch square. Wedges tend to have more stable heels.
- Balance. While stability in the heel contributes to better balance, the toes also play a big part. Try not to cramp the toes so they will have the freedom to move and separate in order to provide sensors for keeping good balance.
- Size. Have your feet measured and fit by a professional such as a pedorthist which is a specialist in matching feet and footwear. At least 80% wear the wrong size shoe! Measure both feet. Most of us have two different feet with one being slightly larger than the other. Too often we fit the smaller foot and the larger one suffers. This is most critical in high heels.
- Foot Motion. Another very important factor affecting comfort. If your heel has a tendency to ride on the edge of the shoe, you should wear a shoe with a back. Depending on the amount of heel movement, back straps may help. This also affects balance. If the heel of your foot is not on the center of the heel of the shoe, your balance and comfort is compromised.
- Accommodative Devices. Where possible use accommodative devices as they can be very helpful in accomplishing more comfort. For instance if your ankle or foot is rolling in or out, balance, stability and comfort are compromised. A device such as a wedge or arch support can provide considerable contribution to comfort. There are also other devices which can help with pain in the ball of the foot which is common with prolonged wearing of high heels.
- Professional Advice. With the many issues that can arise from high heels, it is worthwhile to seek professional advice. First and foremost is picking the right high heel for your unique foot. Then when necessary utilize an accommodative device to enhance comfort. Visit a specialist.
- Easy Does It. Now the obvious. Be careful where you walk. Steps, metal grates, gravel, cobblestone, and other uneven surfaces can cause trouble for high heels.
- Considering wearing those dressy fashion enhancing heels only when required and you deem necessary. For instance wear something more comfortable to work or when riding and put the heels on when it’s time to shine.