Inexpensive Tips for Relieving Stress
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Looking for some ways to relieve stress?
Often times when we become over-stressed we tend to cut of the things that can be the most beneficial and help us to relieve our stress, those fun things in life that are helpful to our mental and physical being. For some people that may be due to finances.
The good news is you don’t have to spend big bucks on an expensive night out, a lavish spa, or a fancy fitness club to relieve some of that stress.
Here are some great tips that can help get on a less stressful path for little on no money:
1. Start a journal – Something bothering you? Try writing about it in a journal for 15 minutes a night. “This short-term focused writing exercise can raise your immunity and improve your functioning,” says University of Texas psychologist James W. Pennebaker, Ph.D., an expert on the healing effects of expressive writing.
2. Try a little music – Researchers have found that easy listening, classical, or jazz music that is instrumental, steady, harmonic, and has 60-70 beats per minute (similar to a heart rate) can reduce anxiety.
3. Find your creative niche- In a 2006 study cancer patients who participated in a support group combining meditation and art therapy experienced significant drops in their stress levels and improved their quality of life.
4. Exercise – We all know this one works!
5. Relax your body – Taking some deep breathes can reduce your heart rate and bring down your stress instantly.
6. Make Friends – “People who have friends they can talk to have healthier hearts,” says stress expert Redford Williams
7. Get a pet– In a 1999 study of stockbrokers taking medicine for high blood pressure, researchers from the State University of New York at Buffalo found that those who adopted a pet reduced by half the increase in blood pressure that came with stress.
8. Relax your mind – Try some meditation exercises to give your mind a rest.
9. Make an at home spa – A nice, warm soak in the tub with some scented bath oils can be just the remedy after a stressful day.
10. A little siesta – If and when you can, grab a quick nap. It can be good for the heart!
11. Volunteer – “There’s nothing better than the satisfaction from helping someone else.”says Sharonne Hayes, M.D., a Mayo Clinic cardiologist.
12. Have a laugh – Laughing can improve the functioning of blood vessels and increase blood flow according to a University of Maryland School of Medicine study presented in 2005.
TIP: Get started now! Before you know it that stress will be melting away.