Kase’s Story: A Battle with Childhood Cancer
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Cancer doesn’t care if you are an Olympic Gymnast.
It also doesn’t care if you are a sweet little kid.
“This is a story of inspiration and determination. A story of a little boy fighting a big battle. Like any good story, it has moments of sorrow and joy, it has chapters of humor and drama, and most importantly, it has a hero. This is the story of Kase.”
Kase Powell and his twin brother Knox were born on December 11, 2009. As a preemie twin, he started off as a fighter and to this day, he is still fighting a long and hard battle. Kase, who is now 3, was diagnosed with Pilomyxoid Astrocytoma or PMA when he was 18 months old. The quiet, observant, patient little boy had been suffering from bouts of vomiting and severe headaches that, doctors told his parents, were being caused by the mass in his head blocking the flow of brain fluid between ventricles. According to research from Columbia University, PMA is a newly discovered type of brain tumor. In the past, PMA was grouped together with pilocytic astrocytoma (PA). PMA, however, is a more aggressive tumor with higher mortality rates.
“After a follow-up MRI and doctor consultation, Kase had surgery to remove as much of the tumor as possible. The initial surgery was a success as the neurosurgeon estimated that 90% of the mass had been removed. Kase would finally get the relief his friends and family had been praying for. A follow up MRI was performed on his head to determine exactly what was left of the tumor and to make sure there were no additional abnormalities on his spine.. There was only about a 5% chance that the spine would be affected. The MRI results revealed that the majority of the brain tumor had been removed. However the results of the spinal MRI did in fact show abnormalities throughout the spinal cord. ”
“Kase’s family has been devastated by this news but they have remained strong and diligent for Kase’s sake. As they wait to see what their next course of action should be, his family is by his side and fighting this battle with him.”
Childhood cancer is something that no family should ever have to go through, and definitely not something any family should have to go through alone.
Please visit The American Cancer Society for more information regarding cancer in children.
If you would like to learn more about Kase, support or follow his crusade, please check out his website or Facebook.
UPDATE: Team SML would like to offer our condolences to the Powell Family. Kase lost his battle to cancer on March 5, 2014. His family is still accepting donations for Kase’s Krusade Foundation to help other children who are fighting childhood cancer.