Lend a Healthy Hand
Author: Shannon Miller

Are you concerned about a loved one’s eating habits?
Sometimes it’s hard to start a conversation about a topic like this – you don’t want it to be awkward and you don’t want them to think you are somehow sitting in judgment of them. The truth of the matter is – if you’re serious about helping, you have to work up the nerve to say something.
You could start by explaining why eating healthy is important:
- “It’s important to me that you lead a healthy lifestyle. I want you to live a long and fulfilled life.”
- “A healthy diet can protect you from things like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and bone loss.”
Next, make it a joint effort. Suggest things that the two of you can do together:
- “Let’s take a trip to the grocery store together and try to find some healthy (yet tasty!) foods.”
- “Let’s try to cook together each week and prepare a healthy meal that we can both enjoy.”
Lend a healthy hand! Ask what you can do to help…
- “How can I help you eat healthier?”
- “What is the most difficult obstacle for you when it comes to healthy eating? How can I help you overcome that obstacle?