Matters of the Heart
Author: Shannon Miller

Heart disease is the #1 killer of both men and women in the United States.
Are you concerned about a loved one’s health, specifically their heart health? If so, you may find that the hardest part about helping is having that initial conversation. But fear not – with a few pointers, you’ll be on the fast track to talking with your loved one about matters of their heart… …
- You might start off just by telling them how much you care and how much it would mean to you if they made some healthy lifestyle changes.
- Mention a few specific changes to target like quitting smoking; getting blood pressure and cholesterol under control; eating healthy (i.e. more fruits and vegetables); getting active (i.e. aim for 2.5 hours of moderate aerobic exercise per week).
- Ask what you can do to help. Ask what obstacles are the most difficult for them as far as staying heart healthy.
- Help them to make a plan and get started! Grocery shop together for healthy foods and try to cook a healthy meal together once a week. Get active together – perhaps by meeting daily to go on a quick walk. Encourage them to see their doctor in order to get their blood pressure and cholesterol checked. Also encourage them to quit smoking and help them to seek out resources (i.e. Guide to Quitting Smoking, from Cancer.Org).