More Natural Remedies That Work!
Author: Shannon Miller

We’re back with more surefire tips on how to use natural remedies that health and fitness expert, motivational speaker, and wellness consultant Susan Smith Jones, PhD, recommends in her new book Walking on Air: Your 30-Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover.
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Look soft and dewy with honey.
Honey has been used for centuries, especially by the ancient Egyptians to keep their skin looking youthful. Apply some raw, unfiltered honey on your clean face like a mask for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water afterwards. This moisturizes the skin and helps it to look taut and supple.
Have a berry white smile.
Strawberries can help you have a dazzling smile. Just juice some strawberries or, if you don’t have a juicer, blend and extract some strawberry juice through cheesecloth. Then paint the juice on your teeth. Leave it for five minutes and then rinse your mouth with warm water with a pinch of baking soda added to it.
Give yourself a mini massage with olive oil and peppermint.
Here’s the Mediterranean secret for restoring vitality. You know extra virgin, cold pressed olive oil is a delicious, nutritious salad dressing, but when you combine one tablespoon of it with 3 to 4 drops of essential peppermint oil, and massage it into your feet, you’ll soon be saying “Ahhhhhhh!” Fritzie and I used to massage each other’s feet with this soothing remedy.
TIP: Susan uses these and 100s more natural remedies with her clients and friends with great success.
For more information, please visit: and click on Walking on Air.