Natural Remedies that Really Work!
Author: Shannon Miller

Check out these natural remedies that health and fitness expert, motivational speaker, and wellness consultant Susan Smith Jones, PhD, recommends in her new book Walking on Air: Your 30-Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover.
by Susan Smith Jones, PhD
Soothe with a little aloe vera.
Grandma Fritzie would always keep a potted aloe vera plant on her kitchen windowsill and I always do, too. It requires no care beyond weekly watering. For itching, inflamed skin, bug bites, tooth ache, hemorrhoids, a minor cut or wound, sunburn or any other irritated skin conditions, snip off a thick leaf and slit it open; scoop out the gel from the inner leaf and apply it to the infected area.
Assuage achy, arthritic joints with cherries.
Cherries are a delicious, vitamin-packed fruit that actually relieves arthritis pain. And they are proven to work as well as or better than aspirin and ibuprofen. Long a folk remedy for gout, cherries now have scientific proof of their pain-prevention powers. Researchers at Michigan State University found that a substance in cherries stops the production of chemicals that cause inflammation and pain. The scientists say cherries relieve arthritic pain as well as or better than over-the-counter drugs! A bowl of 20 cherries (fresh or frozen) a day during a bout with gout is enough to neutralize the aches and swelling, too, with no stomach upset or other side affects. A later study on people in California reported the same pain-relief results.