Weight Loss Made Easy…Tip #10

Author: Shannon Miller

Our Weight Loss Made Easy series concludes with a final tip from nationally renowned author & speaker, Susan Smith Jones, PhD.

Take an herbal supplement that helps burn calories:

In my books The Joy Factor and Weight Loss, you’ll find some more exciting, cutting-edge information about losing weight and keeping it off, as well as some special herbs and foods that are study-proven to assist your quest for a slimmer you. Here’s a sneak preview:

  • Acai berries: these tiny fruits often called “superfoods” flush out wastes and toxins, enhance metabolism, improve digestion and increase energy.
  • Kelp: the seaweed has been well-proven to boost metabolism
  • Kanten: another sea vegetable that helps increases the sense of fullness and curbs overeating.
  • Red pepper or cayenne: This natural fat burner really revs up the motors on your energy furnace, raising your metabolic rate by as much as 25%.

I suggest you add cayenne to your diet to help you in shedding any extra pounds. Research suggests that cayenne increases the body’s heat production (thermogenesis) and speeds up the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates. Also in these studies, cayenne increased production of epinephrine and norepinephrine, a sign of increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which could account for the reduction in appetite.

The capsaicin in hot peppers also stimulates your body to burn extra calories almost like exercise. Cayenne has also been proven effective in improving circulation and aiding digestion.

If you can bear it, stir ½ teaspoon of cayenne into a glass of water and chug it down. I guarantee you’ll feel instant results! If you’re a little less adventurous, you can get cayenne in capsules. Take one or two capsules three times daily with water at mealtimes.

For more on Susan Smith Jones, PhD, or her new book, The Joy Factor: 10 Sacred Practices for Radiant Health, please visit:  www.SusanSmithJones.com

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