What do those labels mean anyway?

Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle


When you go grocery shopping, you likely notice that every food item you pick up has a wealth of information printed on its packaging. 

But have you ever taken the time to investigate what this food label information really means?

Well, it’s your lucky day because we’re going to go over some of the food label terms you see most often.


  • Low calorie: 40 calories or less per serving
  • Reduced-calorie: at least 25% less calories per serving in comparison to other similar foods
  • Light or lite: 1/3 fewer calories per serving in comparison to other similar foods


  • Sugar-free: less than ½ gram of sugar per serving
  • Reduced sugar: at least 25% less sugar per serving in comparison to other similar foods.


  • Fat-free or 100% fat-free: less than ½ gram of fat per serving
  • Low-fat: 3 grams or less of fat per serving
  • Reduced-fat: at least 25% less fat in comparison to other similar foods

TIP: Now when you see these terms on food labels, you can quickly call to mind what each means, for healthier shopping.

Source: “Staying Active and Eating Healthy” on womenshealth.gov


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