Walk-Fit January 2013 Meet Up

Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Start the New Year off on the right foot!

We hope you enjoyed the December Walk-Fit MeetUp as much as we did!  If you couldn’t make it to December’s meet up, we hope you can make it to January’s Shannon Miller Walk-Fit MeetUp – Sunday January 6, 2013, at 3:00 PM; join our walking group at the St. Johns Town Center!

Our Walk-Fit MeetUps are a great way to get out, meet some new people and get walking exercise.

Whether you are just starting a fitness program or just looking for something to add to an already established fitness program,  come and join our walking club; these Shannon Miller Walk-Fit MeetUps are for you!

Please, Remember to RSVP for this Walk-Fit MeetUp on Meetup.com or Facebook.

For more information, check out  Shannon Miller’s Walk-Fit program.

A big, BIG Thanks to all of the Shannon Miller Walk-Fit Sponsors

Got Questions? Contact Lauren Domine – 887-344-8502 or [email protected]

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