10 Things That Will Make Your Life Easier (Giveaway!)

Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Stressed Mom

8. Cleatskins Cleatskins

Cleatskins are a revolutionary footwear accessory designed to allow athletes to move to and from their sport without damaging their cleated footwear or risking injury. Sound familiar to all the moms who have the soccer-mom van full of children with dirty shoes? Make sure they put these on!

The innovative SKINTEK™ rubber easily slips over cleats to allow athletes to move on and off the field faster and safer…no more slipping on slick floors.

Designed for athletes of any age, Cleatskins are available for soccer, baseball, football, rugby, softball, field hockey, lacrosse, cycling, track and field and other cleated shoes in a variety of colors and sizes.  We like the wide array of colors and customizable sizes.

All orders with the code” Shannon” will receive 50% off their next order!

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