3 Massive Mistakes Moms Make That Keep Their Teens Overwhelmed & Stressed
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Teenagers have a lot on their plates.
School. Sports. Jobs. College applications. Spending time with friends and family. Sometimes it can be stressful for teens to get everything done. In fact, it is estimated that almost every teenager in the United States deals with some form of stress, and 10% of those teenagers suffer from an anxiety disorder.
The good news is that there are things mothers can do to relieve their teens of this stress. The bad news is that most mothers do not utilize the three crucial steps that will help keep their teens from being overwhelmed, stressed, and struggling to get everything done:
1. Teach children about time management. Many youth do not know how to appropriately manage their time because they were never taught how to. They were never taught to make to-do lists, organize their priorities, and complete tasks by order of importance. While these may seem like “common sense” skills, many people grow up not being able to appropriately manage their tasks. It is imperative that mothers take the initiative in helping their teens gain these vital skills.
2. Teach teens how to invest in themselves. Teens have to be taught the importance of investing in their physical and mental health. With so many activities on their plates, they forget that they must renew their minds, bodies, and spirits. Instead, they must think of themselves like cars. Just like people must stop every once in a while to fill their cars’ gas tanks, they must also stop to renew their own bodies. Since children follow the examples of their parents, it is important that they see their mothers taking care of themselves. Moms wear a lot of hats, and they are always making sure that everyone else is okay; however, they must take the time to eat right, meditate, and get enough sleep. By doing so, moms not only invest in themselves but they teach their teenagers good habits as well.
3. Encourage teens to obtain a mentor. In today’s society, youth have many aspirations and goals. These goals can lead to stress if they aren’t being achieved. The good news is that many of these aspirations can be accomplished with the guidance of a mentor. (It’s “who you know” sometimes!) Mothers tend to want to do everything for their children; however, they must be willing to let go and allow their teenagers to learn from others with specific expertise. By doing so, mothers give their teens the opportunity to learn from the best and have an even greater chance for success.
If moms want to keep their teens from being overwhelmed, stressed, and struggling to get everything done, they have to make sure they aren’t making one of the mistakes above. By doing this, moms are setting their teens up to positively manage stress in the future. This will allow the teenagers to live more successful and fulfilling lives! And what mother doesn’t want that?
About Guest Blogger Raven Magwood
Raven Magwood is an author and motivational speaker who is truly a force to be reckoned with. At 19 years old, she has accomplished more than most do in their lifetime. By 11, she was a national gymnastics champion. By 13, she had published her second book. By 15, she was a state titleholder in track-and-field competing nationally. By 16, she had graduated from high school number one in her class with a 5.1 GPA. By 18, she was in her junior year of college, simultaneously touching over ten thousand individuals in schools, organizations, and businesses with her inspiring testimony and captivating personality. Now, the teenager has done it again with her latest release, The 7 Practices of Exceptional Student Athletes, which has already sent shockwaves throughout the nation. When asked about all of her success, Raven humbly replies: “When you’re dedicated to something you love, determined to work hard, and disciplined to plan how you’ll get there, then you can achieve success.”