Could a Life Coach Help Your Teen?
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

“Committed to transforming the Self Esteem of People Worldwide”
What is life coaching and why should you hire a life coach for your teenager?
Coaching is a growing trend that helps people from all stages in their lives; from executives in the board room to teens in the classroom, they’re figuring out how to tap into and tune into their highest self and make decisions based on their innermost desires and dreams. Different from traditional psychotherapy, a life coach wants to work on the “now”, not on the past. My goal is to find out where you want to be and what you are willing to do to get there.
Coaching is also about figuring out what exactly is standing in your way, and for today’s teens it is most often dealing with their emotions.
Do teens really need a coach? Not sure? Ask any pro athlete, actor or musician.
Even the best in their field get coaching and we certainly don’t look down on them, and as a matter of fact we applaud them. Are our children’s lives and feelings any less important or valuable?
Coaching is not therapy, nor is it a case of fixing something that is broken, but rather bringing out the very best and teaching life skills and tools to get and stay on track.
- Early intervention in the teen and pre-teen years can stave off depression and promote a healthy self esteem
- Learning to unleash your own potential is the greatest “high” in the world.
- Even Life Coaches have coaches to help them along, so why should you or your child go it alone?
Kelli Osborne, a Certified Life Coach, Master Image Consultant and Self Esteem Expert offers these ten reasons why you should hire a Life Coach:
1. Teens need someone they can talk to besides their parents and friends. As they are maneuvering their way through relationships, their best friend one day can very often become their “frenemy” the next. Having a coach who not only listens, but helps them figure out their own next best move is incredibly empowering and reassuring.
2. Every one of us wants to be attractive and a good coach will help them understand that like a magnet, we can attract whatever it is that we really want. But teens often confuse the outside external stuff with the inner force of attraction. It ALWAYS come from within.
3. Teens often are afraid to speak up and they care way too much about what everyone else thinks. Not only will a good coach help them to correctly identify their feelings and emotions, but will also help to find their inner voice and speak their truth about what they are feeling in an appropriate and assertive manner.
4. Our teens are bombarded with Media messages with visions of whom they should be. Coaching reinforces self-acceptance and helps them to feel comfortable in their own skin.
5. Face it- alcohol, drugs and sex can become the coping mechanisms at hand to help teens deal with stress. Coaching teaches life skills such as meditation, affirmations, and visualization as tools to stay relaxed and focused and the effects flow out of the classroom onto the athletic field and throughout every relationship.
6. One of our most debilitating emotions is jealousy, and it is affecting our teens immensely. Coaching helps our teens that jealousy is a strong indicator of unrealized desires within ourselves and helps them to shift back to what they want and stop focusing on what others have.
7. Coaching reveals dreams and desires to help teens set clear goals towards their achievements which build healthy, high self-esteem. A good coach is like your cheerleader who will hold your teen accountable and congratulate them for even the tiniest shift in focus and direction towards their goals.
8. A coach is a mirror and reflects back any negative self-image or self-talks which may go unnoticed and if not caught can lead to blocking the growth and well-being of a healthy self –image.
9. Regular coaching sessions are like a break in the craziness of chaos of today’s teens. It teaches them how to slow down a bit and check in on a regular basis so they stay in touch with their feeling and emotions which can often be overshadowed by constant busyness.
10. What you think about and focus on most often becomes your reality. All too often teens place their focus on the drama and chaos of everything that’s swirling around them. Coaching will continually help your teen shift their focus back to their goals. Coaching will not only help your teen survive but thrive their teen years and become the amazing adult they were born to be.