Dinner Table Sagas

Author: Shannon Miller

Mother and daughter shopping for healthy foods

Do you have a picky eater in your family?

Mothers and fathers are put in quite a predicament when Little Johnny won’t anything except pizza and ice cream!  The good news is that there are tips parents can follow that may help to alleviate this dinner table saga.

Check these tips* to help picky eaters and see what works for your family…

  • Make meal times a relaxing and enjoyable time for your family.
  • Do your best to ignore negative behavior related to eating.
  • Avoid bribing, rewarding, and punishing with food.
  • When introducing your picky eater to a new food item, try pairing it with a familiar favorite item.
  • Get your kids involved in the process.  Kids can help grow, plan, shop, and cook foods – and they may just be more likely to eat their own creations.
  • Avoid making food the center of power struggles.

TIP:  It won’t happen overnight, but in time your child may actually like the idea of expanding their “eating horizons.”  Before long – fruits and vegetables may even have a chance!

*Source: Gerber, Ann, RD, LD.  “How to Inspire Healthy Eating Habits in Children – National Institutes of Health Parenting Seminar.”  National Institutes of Health.  (2009).

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