Family Health and Fitness Day!
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

What a great way to get our Country thinking about Health and Fitness – National Family Health and Fitness Day (Saturday September 29th).
To celebrate this upcoming National Family Health and Fitness Day, we wanted to ask you a question: What will you do for a fit day with your family?
Choice 1: A movie at the theater.
A medium bag of movie popcorn can be up to 800 calories and 35 grams of fat! Yikes! Are you burning it? That movie might be exciting, but those calories are just sitting there!
Fit choice: Get out the Wii and make your own popcorn.
Did you know that you can microwave plain popcorn? You don’t need to buy the pre-packaged “microwave popcorn.” You can microwave plain kernels in a paper bag! A cup of plain popcorn is only 35 calories and no fat. Give it extra flavor with a spritz of olive oil and a sprinkle of garlic powder.
Try The Star Wars The Clone Wars Wii game for a great upper body workout, or any of the Just Dance series for a fun, full body workout.