Set Priorities And Achieve Your Goal!
Author: Shannon Miller

Everyone has their own fitness story to share.
My good friend and a certified fitness instructor, Jackie Culver, has been a fantastic resource and the featured instructor for Shannon Miller Fit Pregnancy and Shannon Miller Body After Baby. We’ve had so much fun working together on these projects. I’ve asked Jackie to share her story with us because I believe it is typical of what many moms go through as we venture into the crazy world of motherhood. We see our world in a whole new light and readjust our priorities after becoming a parent. It’s important to set priorities, make sure your health and fitness is one of them.
As the mother of two young boys, I know how hard it is to achieve balance in your life. It can seem impossible to make time to refresh and rejuvenate our minds, spirit, and body. However, taking care of ourselves is just as important as taking care of everyone else.
At age 30 I had my first son and I was absolutely ecstatic. I threw myself into motherhood at full speed. I quit my job, gave up going out, gave up any hobbies and spent my days lovingly cooing at my sweet baby. Then to make things better, two and a half years later I was blessed with a second son. I was tired, stressed, and lonely a lot of the time, but it was all worth it! I had gained about 30 pounds since my first pregnancy, but who has time to worry about such trivial things with two preschoolers to take care of?
When my oldest son was in kindergarten, his school sponsored a kids’ 1 mile fun run. I put on my elastic waist shorts, tied my sensible shoes, and secured baby brother in the jogging stroller. I was ready for the big race! When the gun went off, my little track star took off at full speed. I tried to keep up, but could barely breathe after just a few feet. The race was very crowded and after a few minutes my son was lost in the crowd. I totally panicked! Don’t worry…I found him and he was fine and very pleased with his performance. I, however, was not so pleased with mine. I couldn’t keep up with my five year old!
The next day I went out for a run. I was determined to run for as long as I possibly could. I made it almost 45 seconds before I had to stop. Hey, Rome wasn’t built in a day. I went out day after day until finally, 9 months later; I ran a half marathon (13.1 miles). Ironic that it would take 9 months for my rebirth.
Taking time to exercise has made all the difference in my life. I run and play with my children. I enjoy life with my family in ways that would have never been possible if I had not taken the time to take care of myself. I challenge you to take time for yourself. Find an activity that you enjoy. It can be running, tennis, biking, anything, and indulge yourself in a little “me” time. Trust me; your family will thank you!
Jackie Culver, President JOC Fitness
As women we tend to take care of everyone else in our lives before taking care of ourselves. We must make our health and fitness a priority so that we can be there when our family and friends need us.
Share your story. We’d love to hear your story.
When did you wake up and get on the fitness train?
Are you in a rut and need to make a change?
How have your priorities shifted after having children?
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