Take Your Cape Off, Super Woman
Author: Shannon Miller

Sometimes we have to take our capes off and accept help from people around us.
For most Moms, asking for help is almost a necessity at times. Doing everything ourselves all of the time can be overwhelming and it’s important to recognize that relinquishing control sometimes does not equate to failing…not in the least! Perhaps we need to re-define what it means to ask for help.
Asking for help actually has many benefits…and for more than just you.
- There are people in your life who want to help you. Not only do your loved ones want to help, but it makes them feel good to help; helping others can provide people with a sense of purpose. So, if not for yourself, take a load off for the people in your life who are ready and willing to lend a helping hand!
- When your to-do list is a mile long, it’s hard to keep your thoughts straight and your mind clear! Allowing others to help you is likely to make you feel saner and more relaxed. Super Woman’s physical strength is not the only thing that makes her “super”; mental health is just as important! Remember, balance is essential!
- Getting help from others allows you to be more productive. When we have a million things going on and we’re spreading ourselves thin, it’s hard to get anything done! With a little help in making our to-do list more manageable, though, we’re more likely to successfully tend to our daily tasks.