Body After Baby!
Author: Shannon Miller

Recently, I was talking with some girlfriends, also moms, and we laughed about how many of us packed pre-pregnancy clothes to wear home from the hospital!
Seriously, how is it possible that we can have an 8 pound baby and still look pregnant?
Of course, during the days and weeks after birth, our focus is completely on that long-awaited bundle of joy. In fact, many new mothers feel guilty for taking time for themselves. However, it’s healthy for you and your baby to rest, relax and recoup with some time alone or out with friends.
One boost to your health and your self esteem is working out.
Yes, you can fit back into your pre-pregnancy skinny jeans! Make sure to speak to your personal physician first, but typically at your 6 week check up you will be cleared to begin working out.
Here are two of my favorite post-pregnancy exercises, part of a workout that you can do at home or at the gym to relieve stress, get fit and lose those pregnancy pounds!
This was a tough one after baby. I had to figure out how to engage my stomach muscles again. Don’t get frustrated, it may take you several tries to work up to the full move. Once you do, you’ll love it!
- Begin by lying on your back, legs out straight and arms above your head, holding your exercise ball (or pillow).
- Keeping your back flat on the floor, bring your legs up to vertical.
- Pass the ball between your hands and your feet.
- Bring your legs and your arms down to your start position. Ball will now be between your feet.
- Repeat, passing the ball between your hands and feet.
Work up to 12 repetitions.
- Start in a push-up position with your shoulders directly above your wrists.
- Bring your left foot forward to a lunge position (do not put weight on your left foot)
- Relying on your upper body for support switch feet your feet so that your right foot comes forward and left goes back.
- Continue to switch your feet while keeping your abs engaged. Move your feet faster and faster to create an aerobic exercise.
Work up to doing Mountain Climbers for 30 seconds.