Infertility: Statistics, Treatments, Options
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

In the United States today, 7.3 million women struggle with infertility, according to the CDC.
Combined with possible problems on the male end, 10% of couples who are trying to have a baby are having problems conceiving.
It’s National Infertility Awareness Week, and we agree with RESOLVE – more people need to stand up and start talking about it.
According to Babycenter, possible causes of infertility in women include:
- Endometriosis. This is a condition where the uterine lining grows on the outside of the uterus.
- Ovulation Problems. This could be due to infrequent periods or a irregular cycle.
- Poor egg quality. Egg quality declines with age. This symptom is more likely to occur in women over 35, but some eggs actually start to age earlier.
- PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome. PCOS is a condition defined by immature follicles in the ovaries, which cannot hold an egg.
- Blocked fallopian tubes. This could be caused by pelvic inflammatory disease or a sexually transmitted disease.
- Sperm allergy. Some women are actually allergic to sperm, and their bodies will actually fight the sperm that enters the body.
- Other Causes. Infertility for some women falls into the undefined category. Women in this category should also have their partner tested for infertility, in case the male is having problems with fertility.
When you talk to your doctor about the issues in your own family infertility, he may prescribe medication to you, such as:
- Clomid: Clomid seems to work with women with PCOS (see above). It acts on the pituitary gland.
- hMG (Repronex or Pergonal): This is for women who have trouble with their cycle. It will induce ovulation.
- FSH (Gonal or Follistim): This is an injection to induce an ovulation.
- Gonadotropin (Gn_RH): This is an ovulation-inducing hormone, which regulates how the body ovulates so that the ovaries are prepared to hold the egg. This medicine can be administered through nasal spray.
- Metformin or Glucophage: This is for PCOS or insulin resistant women. This will change the body’s hormonal system, reducing male hormone and increasing female hormones, causing ovulation.
- Bromocriptine or Pariodel: This reduces a hormone in the body called prolactin, which is a milk producing hormone. If a woman has too much prolactin, it causes her to not ovulate.
SML TIP: Keep in mind that all medicines have side effects. Some may alter mood, alertness, and overall comfort.
For a natural remedy for many female infertility problems, ask your doctor for a natural solution such as provided by Dr. Ramsey at the Center for Natural Healing, with the Conceivex Conception Kit. This kit is specifically designed to help people with sperm problems, a tilted cervix, timing of ovulation, problems in the vaginal environment, such as allergies, and penis deformities. The cap is inserted with sperm and left for four to six hours, which gives the sperm a better chance to attach to an egg.
Finally, many women decide to try In Vitro Fertilitzation, or IVF. In this process, the eggs and sperm are harvested from the couple. The eggs are fertilized in an incubator, and then inserted into the woman’s uterus.
The success rate for IVF depends on the age of the mother, but for women under 35, there is about a 30% success rate, and 10% for women over 40. If you do choose IVF, make sure to know the facts, get information from a trusted physician, and ask for a referral to a reputable clinic.