More than Just Feeling Blue
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

Pregnancy and childbirth can have a variety of effects on women.
From morning sickness to weird cravings to weight fluctuations, women experience quite the gamut of things! Some women may also experience mood swings after childbirth, something known as the “baby blues.” The “baby blues” are fairly common and nothing to be entirely too concerned about; it’s postpartum depression that may need to be taken more seriously.
Postpartum depression affects 10-15% of women for as short as a month or as long as a year after childbirth.
Women with postpartum depression may feel:
- restless
- anxious
- sad
- depressed
- guilty
- a sense of worthlessness
Additionally, women may have decreased energy and motivation, difficulty sleeping, and unexplained changes in weight.
Though there is no conclusive evidence regarding what causes postpartum depression, some plausible explanations are:
- Substantial shifts in hormone levels during and after pregnancy may lead to chemical changes in the brain, which then results in PPD.
- The life changes brought about by childbirth may cause distress and therefore play a role in PPD (PostPartum Depression).
The good news is that women with postpartum depression can be treated with a combination of drug and talk therapy. In fact, women treated with an antidepressant medication and with talk therapy typically exhibit great improvement.
It’s important that women know that they are not alone and that there is no shame in experiencing postpartum depression.
If you suspect that you are experiencing postpartum depression, don’t hesitate to ask for help from your spouse, loved ones, and healthcare provider.
If someone you know may be experiencing it, offer support and help them through this difficult time.
Source: “Understanding Postpartum Depression: Common but Treatable.” NewsInHealth.