Pregnancy and Diabeties: Taking Necessary Precautions
Author: Shannon Miller Lifestyle

There is so much to be concerned about while you are pregnant, even as a perfectly healthy woman, that to imagine having to deal with anything more might seem just too difficult.
For example, diabetic women have to be more concerned with keeping their blood glucose levels in check than other women.
It’s important to understand the risks involved with having high blood glucose levels (which are listed below), but fear not – there is good news to come, too!
Risks for baby if blood glucose levels are too high during pregnancy:
- Premature delivery
- Miscarriage
- Birth defects
- Macrosomia (having a large baby)
- Low blood glucose at birth
- Prolonged yellowing of the skin (i.e. jaundice)
- Difficulty breathing
Risks for mother if blood glucose levels are too high during pregnancy:
- Worsening of diabetic eye problems
- Worsening of diabetic kidney problems
- Infections of the urinary bladder and vaginal area
- Preeclampsia (i.e. high blood pressure accompanied by protein in the urine)
- Difficult delivery of cesarean section
The good news is that being proactive can help you and your baby avoid such risks.
One major way to be proactive is to schedule a pre-pregnancy exam. As in, if you and your husband have decided to try to have a baby, make an appointment with your healthcare provider in order to…
- ensure that blood glucose levels are under control. If your blood glucose levels are too high, talk with your healthcare provider about ways to lower them. Among other things, she or he will most likely encourage you to make a commitment to lifestyle choices, such as maintaining a healthy body weight, eating healthy, and exercising regularly. Even if your blood glucose levels are under control, it’s a good idea to practice such lifestyle choices in order to keep them that way.
- to be evaluated for complications such as high blood pressure, heart disease, as well as kidney, nerve, and eye damage.
- get your thyroid checked (if you have Type 1).
TIP: You have what it takes to make your pregnancy a healthy one. Don’t stop with this article. Visit the American Diabetes Association website, talk to diabetic friends, and of course talk to your healthcare provider. Plan, believe, and take charge TODAY!
Source: “Before Pregnancy”, American Diabetes Association. .